If You're Having Weird Wedding Dreams, They're About To Get Weirder.
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Thursday, November 06, 2014
By Steve Keegan
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If you're anything like me, the closer to you are to your wedding day, the weirder your dreams will start to get. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the stress of planning, the moment, the expectations and all the other factors that go into a wedding.

Well, after watching this video, your weird dreams might be taken to another level. 

You can get sucked down the YouTube wormhole very easily looking at all the wedding disaster videos, and although the chances of these wedding fails happing to you are small, you can see themes developing as you watch them.

I've seen a few moments like these happen while shooting 350+ weddings over 10 years, so here are my top 10 tips to prevent these cringe-worthy moments from happening to you.


10. Stay within your dancing abilities. I realize you are getting married today, but that does not mean you have turned into a professional swing dancer. Don't be afraid to dance, but you might want to keep the backflips to a minimum.

9. The person who catches the bouquet isn't REALLY the next to get married. So don't feel like you have to trample small children or you will forever be an old maid.

8. You can get married next to that body of water without being dangerously close. If you're on a beach, remember the tide rises and sleeper waves can take you out. You don't need to be standing five feet away from a pool or cliff. Give yourself some fainting/tripping room. If you want to do a picture on a dock, you might not want to put everybody at your wedding on a dock at the same time. Those docks were not meant to hold that much weight. The same goes with balconies. Every year you hear about somebody dying at a wedding from a balcony collapse. Make sure to read my other blog post on planning beach weddings!

7. Speaking of fainting, hydrate of faint! This is especially true if you were out the night before drinking or if you are getting married at elevation in a place like Lake Tahoe. Alcohol effects you a lot more when you are a mile above sea level.

6. Speaking of drinking a lot, don't! At least wait until after the ceremony. You are going to be pretty embarrassed the next day—trust me—and you will always have to live with looking sloppy in your wedding photos. Not a good look. Plenty of time to party afterward.

5. Don't try to carry somebody. You are asking to drop them. This will not end well for you.

4. Don't climb up on something crazy in dress shoes and high heels. Again, you are flirting with disaster on a lot of levels. Dress shoes are slippery!

3. If you've never set up a multi-tiered wedding cake, don't make your wedding day your first attempt. There is an art to setting those things up. Normally the cake guy will set it up. If you bring the cake, try to have somebody with the venue or a caterer help you.

2. I don't use photography drones at weddings. You'll see why after watching the video.

1. If you got your tux at Men's Wearhouse and your pants feel a little loose, you might want to mix in some suspenders just to be safe. Keep in mind you are going to be dancing and jumping around way more than you normally would in dress clothes. For the ladies, make sure you can move in your dress without anything popping out! We don't need those photos. :-)

Don't be afraid to tear it up at your wedding, but just be smart about it. Otherwise, don't say I didn't warn you!


Have you ever seen something crazy go down at a wedding? Feel free to share the story below in the comments.


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